20th Keli International Kalamela 2024
Keli International Kalamela – the largest Pravasi Youth Festival held outside India, organized by KELI Switzerland – is scheduled in Zurich Switzerland.
The contestants coming from different parts of the world will be competing in dance, music, fine arts and media events. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners of all the events will be awarded certificates and trophies. In addition to that, special awards like Soorya India Kalathilakam or Kalaprathiba Trophy and Certificate for the best performing artist, Fr. Abel Memorial Trophy and Certificate for the overall champion in non-dance events, KELI Kalaratna Trophy and Certificate for the overall champion in dance events Janapriya Awards for media events (Photography, Short film and Open Painting), Balaprathibha for best performing Mini, Balatharam for best performing Sub Junior, Yuvaprathibha for best performing Junior and Yuvatharam for best performing Senior are to be won.